Robotics @CMS

The Carol Morgan School Learning Innovation & Technology program grows and changes each year enhanced by the staff and students involved. Technology is infused into the curriculum of each content area and CMS is fortunate to have a state of the art robotics program.

The program is founded in academic technology and computer science classes where students use the principles of design thinking as well as specific coding and technical skills to build and experiment with various aspects of robotics. CMS offers robotics courses in Middle School and High School and robotics is infused into our Elementary Technology Curriculum.

Award-winning Robotics Programs

Elementary School
​The foundation of the CMS robotics programs lies within the Elementary Technology classes. Students learn the basics of being an empowered learner, a good digital citizen as well as the computational thinking skills and innovative design strategies to make working with a team of robotics engineers successful. Each year the students practice evaluating digital tools and analyzing emerging technologies so that they can apply these skills within the robotics program and beyond.

Middle School
FIRST Lego League - Each year our Middle School Robotics classes prepare teams to participate in the First Lego League (FLL) competition. The elective classes focus on building collaborative team skills, problem solving, critical thinking, creativity, and communication skills.  The culmination of the class is the FLL competition. CMS has hosted the competition on more than one occasion. Our teams have been among the highest scoring and received numerous awards. Each year the winner of our regional competition travels to Houston, Texas for FLL Championships. 

High School
Team DRIFT - Team DRIFT uses the FIRST robotics programs to promote science, technology, engineering, math, and business at CMS. With a great team of mentors and students, Team DRIFT has achieved successful accomplishments and received prestigious awards at the Regional Robotics Competitions in the United States. Many members of Team DRIFT have enhanced their skills through our high school Robotics, Coding, and Computer Science classes.

Dr. Kulangara Jacob Johnson

Director of Innovation & Technology
809-947-1000 Ext. 1069